Monthly Archives: January 2015

In the 21st century there is a constant requirement for power and ships no exception, warranting serious consequences which may arise; including different injuries to crew, damage to vessel and even collision, rare but possible. Firstly, marine engineers should be more aware and more knowledgeable about the auxiliary engine in terms of performance alongside permanent […]

A barge is a vessel that is not exactly known for stability issues therefore possible problems that are fatal to your marine operations may be ignored and thus take their toll on your barge. A barge will mostly show its problems up-front if they are serious or present; however, it will be too late to […]

Ballast fluid is used to maintain a ship’s stability during voyage, especially when cargo is absent from the hold. Ballasting and de-ballasting operations are fairly common, mostly in ports, cargo transfers and ballast exchanges. Ship stability is therefore, at stake here as the ship’s weight changes at a relatively fast rate and thus may result […]

We have encounter this term all the time in our professional and daily lives; completing basic tasks and bigger projects where there is always a code of conduct or a rule set. However, either due to company policy/requirements or occasional confusion or misguidance among employees there exist a set of rules, standard procedures and codes […]

Modern ships consist of several complex components and sub-components which are held together by varied methods; with each method coming from their side effects on man hours in hull production and outfitting. However, due to heat distortion significant impact on nonproductive/nonmanufacturing operations such as straightening and fitting. Aside from that, the operations can also interfere […]