Maritime Science

22Oct 2014

October 20th 2014 saw an incident where a Russian vessel went disabled due to an engine room fire which left it without propulsion. This warrants further analysis as most modern vessels are just as prone to malfunction as the older ones; hindering maritime operations and creating more losses for the operator and the crew of […]

20Oct 2014

The maritime industry is a mixture of numerous different spheres along with the transport of dangerous goods therefore, bringing the related issues into the equation. Safety, thus becomes a priority as even a minor error within operations can result in massive and occasionally irreversible damage to the ship and environment. So what qualifies as “dangerous […]

30Sep 2014

Robotics has been in the commercial sphere for a long time from car factories to medicine and now it has taken a new approach in the from of “soft” robotic technology. This sub-field is a spin-off from bio-mimicking, a field that mimics nature. Biological systems are, therefore created/modeled after living organisms; however their nature and […]

28Sep 2014

September 24th 2014 marks the start of a collaboration between 2x enterprises; Minesto and Atlantis, to complete a sustainable maritime initiative; creating a new tidal turbine. The project received 750,000 EUR in funding from Eurostars; a program that supports research-based small+medium enterprises who develop innovations and services with a total budget of 1.14 billion EUR. […]

25Sep 2014

Damage control is an aspect that determines the success of a maritime operation; where a professional marine survey is where it all begins where a vessel is looked at in great detail. To understand damage and its consequences as well as how to avoid it one must understand safety first therefore our discussion starts here. […]

23Sep 2014

A ship’s stability can be defined as its ability and tendency to return to its original state as it completes its tasks and occasionally used to extremes of its capabilities. The stability factor plays a part when a vessel interacts with external forces when they are applied and removed; making the vessel, at first sustaining […]

21Sep 2014

Management is a practice commonly applied to the usage of variables to solve a problem concerning a given situation depending on the skills and the variables themselves present at-hand. Management, with respect to maritime, breaks down into 2x types; risk and sovereignty management where  the former addresses identification and mitigation of threats in order to […]

17Sep 2014

This build was designed by us and used for transportation of different goods such as vehicles and other types of cargo; with a dead weight/ship’s loading capacity which includes bunkers and propulsion supplies of 400 tonnes and a trial speed of 11 knots. The build holds 350 tonnes having a deck area of 350 m2 […]