Tag Archives: operations

Ballast fluid is used to maintain a ship’s stability during voyage, especially when cargo is absent from the hold. Ballasting and de-ballasting operations are fairly common, mostly in ports, cargo transfers and ballast exchanges. Ship stability is therefore, at stake here as the ship’s weight changes at a relatively fast rate and thus may result […]

The maritime industry is full of professionals who are experts in their own fields. However, upon encountering another aspect of the industry when attending to some operations it is important to note that experts know more about their own profession therefore less about aspects not in relation to them. Therefore, leaving a conclusion that working […]

October 20th 2014 saw an incident where a Russian vessel went disabled due to an engine room fire which left it without propulsion. This warrants further analysis as most modern vessels are just as prone to malfunction as the older ones; hindering maritime operations and creating more losses for the operator and the crew of […]

Globalisation is vital for international business and for development of industries like maritime; however, after researching deeper it is discovered that it is a problem for maritime industries for varied reasons. Firstly, globalisation closely relates to territorial disputes as different parties enter foreign territories and thus bring about conflict situation where interests of local population […]

In the previous entry it was established that an incinerator is a requirement by MARPOL aboard any vessel and is an cost-effective way of waste disposal. However before the focus was possible errors  that can hinder its operations therefore, it is worth dissecting the entire mechanism. Firstly, in theory the type of waste that gets […]