All posts by: dshilov50

About dshilov50 June 24th a 112-foot yacht blazed while being parked in a marina and undergoing repairs for several months; being called a welding accident by witnesses, fire began from the lower deck. Welding accidents, along with damage to vessels, also lead to death of crew so should be addressed from a perspective of crew and […]

Piracy is nowadays, compared to terrorism due to certain factors being shared such as hostage taking, setting of demands/ ransoms but the main difference among the two phenomena is that terrorism usually exists in established states that are under control and jurisdiction of a legal system presented by the government of those states; thus terrorists […]

Maritime Piracy is a serious and prominent issue for the maritime industry which is common on the coast of Somalia and on the rise in the Gulf of Guinea. Pirate attacks, though reduced significantly, are still a threat and thus worry European ship owners leading them to call on the EU parliament and council of ministers; […]